Bring ACFCU with you wherever you go! 有了网上和手机银行,访问您的帐户总是在您的指尖.
We’ve made it even easier 和更多的 secure to shop in-store, 出去吃饭, or visit your favorite entertainment venue. Say goodbye to scrambling for your wallet at the checkout line. 只要加上你的中华总工会签证® 信用卡或借记卡到你的移动钱包,你可以快速支付没有现金或卡本身.
How To Add Your Card To Your 手机钱包:
Using a mobile wallet streamlines your payment processes, 增加了额外的安全层, and provides much more convenience. 你不需要等待你的塑料卡在邮件中添加到你的移动钱包. 不要使用手机钱包? 没有问题! 您可以随时查看您的卡的详细信息——您的卡号, 截止日期, and CVV code are all in Online and 手机银行. 如果你使用手机钱包, 您可以轻松地将卡装入钱包,而无需手动输入. When you use your credit or debit card to make a purchase, 移动钱包在你购物时使用一个随机的识别号码,而不是提供你的信用卡信息. 这使得骗子更难获得你的个人和财务信息.
有能力随时随地查看当前或以前的报表吗. We make it simple with electronic statements.
How To Enroll In Electronic Statements:
你的信用评分等等! 任何时候. 在任何地方. Staying on top of your credit has never been easier. Now you can access your credit score, 完整的信用报告, 信贷监控, 和更多的 in the 手机应用程序 and 网上银行. All without impacting your credit score.
网上银行, 您可以查看交易, 平衡与制约, 管理信用卡和借记卡, 更新您的联系方式, 和更多的.
在为整个办公室的人买午餐之前,你是否需要快速核对一下收支平衡, 不想从沙发上起来存奶奶的生日支票, ran out for a quick latte but forgot your wallet, 或者需要 找自动取款机 ASAP,我们就是你需要的僚机,在你走到哪里的智能手机里. There’s a reason the ACFCU mobile 应用程序* is rated 4.8在iTunes上®看看足球外围前十平台.1
Leave your wallet at home and enjoy secure, 当您使用总工会的移动钱包使用Apple pay支付时,您将获得非接触式购买体验®、Google 支付TM或三星® 支付. Learn how to access and use your 手机钱包 now.3
Access statements, notices and tax documentation all in one place. Never search for an ACFCU document again.
你是否高估了你的账户余额,或者在你查看总数之前刷了你的借记卡, we offer coverage to protect your account.
Courtesy 支付 covers the following types of transactions:5
How to opt in and opt out of Courtesy 支付:
*Data and carrier rates may 应用程序ly.
1现金返还是根据符合条件的借记卡交易的总金额计算的. Account will not be dividend bearing. 1% cash back on first $1,000 in transactions. 现金返还上限为10美元. For minimum requirements to be met, 行动必须执行,并且必须在资格认证期间结清/提交到账户. 从交易完成之日起,交易可能需要一个或多个银行工作日才能在您的账户上进行邮寄和结算. 刷卡 & 签名、密码和借记账单支付交易必须在月底之前结清账户. 标准费用将适用于不活跃超过12个月的账户. 透支金额低于30美元的借记卡交易不收取透支费. This only 应用程序lies to debit card transactions. 呵呀交易在收取费用之前没有30美元的宽限期. Overdraft fees must be repaid within 45 days. 如果“礼貌支付”功能被禁用并且交易被拒绝,“礼貌支付”将不会被支付. In those cases, an NSF fee will be charged. Courtesy 支付 covers the following types of transactions: checks, 呵呀, and other transactions made using a checking account, 自动账单支付, recurring transactions set up using your debit card, 自动取款机交易, everyday debit card transactions, and Point of Sale (POS) transactions. 自动取款机交易, everyday debit card transactions, and Point of Sale (POS) transactions require separate opt-in.
2In the event that you do not have enough money in your account, you will be charged an insufficient funds fee per check.
3移动存款需经过验证,可立即提取最高200美元. Your accounts must be in good standing; cannot have an account in bad standing, ChexSystems的不良记录或拖欠贷款超过30天. Read the Electronic Funds Transfer Agreement & Disclosure (Reg E) for details including funds availability, 存款限制, 妥善处理支票, 以及完整的条款和条件.
5自动取款机交易, Everyday debit card transactions, and Point of Sale (POS) transactions require separate opt-in.
6A $30 fee is charged for each occurrence. This only 应用程序lies to debit card transactions. 呵呀交易在收取费用之前没有30美元的宽限期.
Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone and iPad are trademarks of Apple Inc.,在美国注册.S. 还有其他国家. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Android is a trademark of Google Inc. ©2019 Google LLC. 版权所有. Google 支付 is a trademark of Google LLC. 三星 支付 is a registered trademark of 三星 Electronics Co.有限公司. See the full list of stores that accept 三星 支付 at www.三星.com/pay. 可能会收取数据费.
为了你的安全, we use the latest encryption standards and, 因此, 支持以下浏览器和操作系统的最新两个版本:Google Chrome, 火狐, 微软的优势, Safari, iOS. 我们支持Android v5.0 and above and provide limited support for Internet Explorer v11. 虽然我们确实监控欺诈或可疑活动,并可能主动就此类活动与您联系, we will never call and ask for confidential information, such as your entire account number or 销. 足球外围前十平台:703.526.0200 x4 if you have provided confidential information.
由NCUA联邦保险. Membership eligibility requirements 应用程序ly.